Images by C

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kindergarden Interview

Right before Kaylee was going to her Kindergarten interview with her teacher, she saw a little light on the hard wood flooring. She paused and then ran upstairs. After a quick call for help, she appeared with my 40lb camera bag. About 40 shots later, a little bit of editing, we were off to her new school and new class. She passed her interview with flying colors. So well in fact that she will now be in the High level 1st Grade class mixed with 5 High Level Kindergartners.

She is growing up so fast. She looks so beautiful in these photos. Confident and strong. It's no wonder shes mine!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Baby Maddi

Just finished up with another new born session! Baby Maddi is only 4 days old here. Her parents and big Sister Alli allowed my into their wonderful new home to help welcome Maddi to the world. This is just a sneak peak of her session. Check out the rest in proofs.